How We Work
The Homeschool Community Foundation supports innovative homeschooling organizations, programs, and projects that increase the cultural impact of homeschooling by funding…

The development of new models of teaching, learning, and educational program design

The development of parents as teachers

Startup and equipment needs for collaborative learning (e.g. drama, robotics, science labs, sports)

The development of technical tools and platforms for parent-directed education or for organizations that support parent-directed education

Research and publication focused on parent-directed education

Organizational capacity building, such as leadership and governance development and training for organizations that support the homeschooling community

Career, alumni, and scholarship programs for home educated students

International initiatives to promote parent-directed education
The HCF recognizes that these grant making categories do not encompass all the needs of the homeschooling community. The grant committee will, to the extent appropriate and possible, accommodate other requests that address important or emerging homeschooling issues.
The HCF places central emphasis on supporting parents as they teach their children.
Homeschool Community Foundation grants are structured as an open competition for a wide range of organizations and other institutions that support parent-directed homeschooling.
Homeschool Community Foundation grants will be considered on a periodic basis to be determined by the governing committee. Awards will be made if funds and suitable applicants are both available.
Homeschool Community Foundation Granting Guidelines
Each grant application will be considered based upon its entirety. While there are no automatic approvals, an application that contains several of these attributes is more likely to be funded if:
- the application is made on behalf of a nonprofit organization that supports parent-directed education;
- the application is for a program or service that will enable or improve the ability of parents to provide the education for their children;
- the application is to conduct research, innovation, or development work to improve the body of knowledge that supports successful parent-directed education;
- the application is to create or expand an organization in order to provide support services to reach additional home educating parents;
- the application provides training to home-educating parents and/or those in the requesting organization who are providing parents with resources and support;
- the organization making the application has a track-record of promoting parent-directed education or providing support and assistance to parents and families.
In the same manner, an application that is based upon several of the attributes listed below is less likely to be funded if:
- the application is related to programs that support government funded schooling;
- the application is made on behalf of an organization that denies or seeks to limit the right of parents to direct the education of their children;
- the application is made on behalf of an organization that supports policies and programs which undermine the traditional role of parents, children, and families;
- the application is made on behalf on an organization that previously received a grant from the Homeschool Community Foundation but did not apply the grant funds in the manner stated in the grant request.
How Can We Help You?

How Can We Help You?
46 South Road
Holden, MA 01520